Well check it out folks.

Well check it out folks. My SECOND posting. Things are getting just crazy now. Obviously the boy is asleep and I am procrastinating the paperwork I promised Court I would do!

Quinn cut two more teeth simultaneously on Jan 16th. The top, two front, right side teeth. A day late for your birthday mom, sorry! The poor guy likes to cut them two at a time it seems. Happy Birthday to my Mom too! She just turned 29 again on January 15th! Looking good Mom!

So Courtney modestly left out the other news that surrounds this household. While I was down with the flu, Court decided that he would build a rink in the back yard. I thought this thing was friggin’ huge until Jim, (our neighbour) got home from a business trip and said, “Let’s expand that!” So yesterday’s events included the two men in the back yard making this Olympic sized rink and breaking for a beer or two. This crazy thing is the width of our two back yards combined. Once the two sides are level with one another, it may just be time to host a skating party of some sort. Any excuse for a party is a good excuse for Court and I! Jordy has done what she can to test it out. She has done exceptionally well skating right over top of the little ripples that will soon be smoothed out. We may have a future figure skater on our hands. Who knows?

That’s it now for me. Later!