Mother Nature’s a crafty one, but it pays to work for her

Things are heating up on the “bipeds-vs-the rest of the natural world” war.

First off, more evidence that Mother Nature isn’t above tampering with things if it works to her advantage. A report of a cat born with two faces, one brain. Yep, if that isn’t Mother Nature’s first cut at replacement politicians, I don’t know what is. It can speak out of both sides of it’s mouth at the same time! It’s a natural, and certain to win in the next federal election.

Then we move on to a more puzzling entry in her starting roster. This little guy. He’s adorable, has six legs, two penises, and a really long tongue. Now, before I jump to any conclusions about what dastardly deeds he is due to unleash on humanity, let’s just think for a minute about Mother Nature’s team benefits package. Seriously.

This little bugger is basically set for life in dog terms. I mean think about it. He must be fast, he’s got 6 legs. That means he can outrun anything. He can probably scratch all sorts of places that 4 legs can’t; less itching, which is a leading cause of dog distress. Not only that, but do I really need to describe what a dog would do if he had two penises? Why, run down two people on his six legs and give two people a mighty humping at the same time, that’s what. Or pee on twice as many things in 50% of the time.

Man, that little dog has a very happy future ahead of him. I’m a little jealous.