Post-Party Post

We certainly didn’t get much help from the weather, but we definitely had lots of fun anyway on Friday. Thanks to all those folks that showed up for fun and food. The last tally was around 42 people I believe, very respectable for a snowy day. Lots of thanks to the boys from the band for showing up to play some songs, and for letting me play “G” all night long and pretending that’s what I was supposed to play.

I put some pictures into Flickr of the night, so they should start showing up on the right. If you are really impatient you can just look at those pictures directly here.

All in all a very good time, even though we ran out of beer (poor planning on my part, perhaps).

Some highlights that weren’t captured on film but deserve a mention:
– Nikki tackling several of the guests under the mistletoe, notably Bob, Tom and Robbie
– Vickie showing Rachel who exactly can “take” who in no uncertain terms, and promptly getting grounded on the way home as a result (I made that last part up, but I thought it might be a distinct possibility)
– Cael “Exxon Valdez” Vallentyne in the basement dumping the whole bucket of bubble solution all over the floor

There are undoubtedly others, please fill in my addled memory if you think I have forgotten something especially good. Comments are open…