Jesus, again.

A factual error in one of my last posts made me think I should point this out a little more clearly.

Ali was kind enough to point out that the Church of England is not the Catholic Church, but rather a Protestant Church, thanks for that. The article I referenced does say:

While the event is likely to raise eyebrows among more traditional-minded Christians, it has the broad support of both the Church of England and the Roman Catholic Church in the area.

My keen eye for detail was in the shop, so I didn’t catch the difference to the horror of church going people, surely. Many apologies to actual members of these religions, I’m a heathen and an ignoramus. However, if I wasn’t a heathen, I wouldn’t be able to make pithy off the cuff comments about something I know nothing about like religion, and where would that leave us now? Me, probably with nothing to write about, and you folks, nothing to slowly tsk and head shake at.

See? It works.