Andrew Vincent and the Pirates

Today I was listening to the new iPod (which is working out just fine, despite my initial disdain for it’s pretty-boy colour display which my old one didn’t have, but now I can’t imagine not having the cover art. Weird. I’m a fickle man.) and an old Andrew Vincent tune came on, Dukes. A small lyrical sample:

“Oh no the bridge is down and Boss Hog’s closin’ ground

as the cops roll up to town, but never fear just crack another beer

’cause the General Lee can clear

any bridge in this MF county”

Ah, pure gold. I have his 2 first discs, “To Thine” and “After School Special” since they came out forever ago. He has an awesome and quirky writing style (obviously) and his vocals are best experienced at 2am at a Glebe house party, bleary and weavy-like, which I was fortunate enough to have happen, years ago. Anyway, he’s a great listen and I wondered if he was still making music, so a quick Google later I turned up a few links, apparently he has a band behind him now, Andrew Vincent and the Pirates:

The record company that sells his stuff: Kelp Records

The band’s MySpace site: AV and the Pirates

So it turns out that I am about 2 or 3 CDs behind the times and I need to pick those suckers up, pronto. You can check out some of their stuff on the Kelp Records downloads page: One, Two, Three is a particular favourite. There are also others on his MySpace page. It sounds like he’s maturing a bit, but aren’t we all? It’s a good thing. He seems to have shed the loose guitar style, like a rusty pickup truck on a hill with no brakes. The band sounds tighter and his vocals are much stronger, but it may just be a production thing. Anyway, love that guy. Go buy his music.
Incidentally, I don’t have the iPod cover art for any of the AV discs I have now, I may have to figure out how to fix that someday.

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