Kids…Man, they never stop growing….

Well it seems that I have actually decided to slow down for a second and contribute to the family blog (AKA:the baby book of all our kids). I’m really feeling the pinch in my lack of documenting all milestones of the children now that Cael is almost 3. All of you diligent-detail-documenting-doting mothers can commence your scoffing in my general direction now, a wag-of-the-finger so to speak, that I so richly deserve.

I guess I have been spoiled by my “pick-up-Nikki’s-slack” husband who has been leaving updates here on their progress temporarily relieving me of the black looming cloud of documentless guilt. (I know Wilson, that’s not a real word, but you have to admit it sounds good).
So without further ado, here’s my kid post (as Cael and Quinn are having a disagreement upstairs that I can clearly hear from the office).

Cael: This kid is growing like a bad weed. The sheer amount of food he can consume in a day is staggering. He eats more than I did when I was pregnant (for him!) I might add. Without exaggeration I get strangers commenting once a week, “Are they twins?” When I reply with, “No, he’s four and he’s two,” you can see the expression of “Sweet Lord in heaven!” It’s almost like a ballet watching them struggle with words to gracefully get out of their reaction. I usually rescue them and say he’s just a big boy, and they are usually grateful for that. One time though, just for kicks I’m gonna let them hang.

Quinn: Quinn never ceases to amaze us. He is maintaining his level of maturity that exceeds our expectations. He is turning into a real deep thinker. I don’t think for one second that he isn’t tuning into absolutely everything that is said around him. The best funny to date though that I can think of is when he asked (for days) for us to play “I’m 2-64” on the CD in the van. Court and I couldn’t figure out for the life of us what he was talking about. Jordy was the one who piped up and said, “OH! He wants to hear ‘I’m too Sexy’..for…y’know, that song!” She was right!

Jordy: Good Lord where did my baby go?!?!?!? It seems she went from girl to teen in just this last month. Ask anyone who has seen her lately. This kid is so mature, so responsible and now she looks like she’s a fresh 11 year old going on 14. This little muffin came into the house last week and declared, “Mom! I’m ready. I’m cutting my hair off and donating it to cancer.” So needless to say we did, and she looks great! And much older, much to the dismay of Court and I. Poppy will have to get the shot guns out again, dust them off and be here A LOT when the guys come a callin’. This little muffin also got a second ear piercing on her ears to look like mom. Insert gushing on my part. (For those of you who are thinking it and won’t say it…she is WAAAAAAAY too chicken to venture into the nose ring…so far! She also knows that she must be 34 years of age for such a thing.)
KAY! Too much writing for now, I’m just making up for lost time here. Later!