Been on the job too long

There has been nothing much to read here recently.  I have been way too busy to have any time for creative pursuits, unfortunately.  Just ask Nikki how much time I have been at home lately.  I think I have billed something like the equivalent of 36 days out of the last 39, or something like that.  Anyway, needless to say the strain is showing on Nikki and I, but especially Nikki who has been alone with the children all of that time.  She tried to take herself out with a coffee can the other day, ask her about her sucking thumb wound.  So I am looking forward to things like actually coming home for dinner, and seeing children awake.  That’s a good thing.

So, as a result I have nothing pithy to give you here today.  Except this: the ugliest animal on the planet is also (shocker) endangered partly because people go out of their way to kill them….   I must say, that is one freaky little monkey.

2 thoughts on “Been on the job too long

  1. I managed to narrowly escape stitches, so I’m told by the doctor. Next time I’ll be sure to use something a little more reliable when trying to “take myself out”. Clearly I wasn’t serious, and that was a pitiful cry for help 😉

    Yes, it will be nice to have Daddy back in a routine with the rest of us. As luck would have it, he had to work like crazy when the weather was the coldest, and Cael was the sickest. Had it been spring, summer, or fall with some healthy kids, I think this would have been a cake walk.

    I salute all you moms who manage a gaggle of kids with the dad’s on business trips. It ain’t easy.

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