The Eagle has landed…

Well it took two tries, 6 days, 5 guys, two trailers, and a flat tire….  But we finally managed to move the frigging playstructure I bought into the backyard.  That proved to be a much bigger job than I had originally thought.  Many many thanks to Rob, Rob, Kyle and even Dan the previous owner. Pine trees and fences aside, it went surprisingly well.

The work is just beginning for that little project since the structure needs to be washed, stained, reinforced and re-assembled, but at least I can start.  The kids will completely lose their minds once it’s done, of course, which is the whole point.
So there you go, I will try to get some pictures and get them up here so you can see the monster we lifted.

One thought on “The Eagle has landed…

  1. Well, you certainly get E for effort! It sounds great, and when the kids are in high school, and it finally is up, I’m sure they will love it! Yeesh, you can’t do things small-scale, huh?

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