The Iceman – Not the Top Gun kind

I saw a link on Neatorama the other day that I thought was especially appropriate for Nikki (who is always cold, no matter what the temperature is). It’s about a guy who can apparently withstand cold that would kill anyone else, and we aren’t talking about a little cold here, we are talking about chest deep in ice-water for over an hour with nothing on. He climbed Mount Everest dressed in a pair of shorts. That’s it. Crap. He is a living, breathing super-hero, really. This guy is hard core, I can’t imagine how he does it. The scientists are practially speechless:

“People are always looking for new firsts on Everest. It’s been climbed so many times now, people climb it without oxygen, they … they climb it with all different kinds of handicaps. But no one has come close to climbing Everest in those kinds of conditions,” Dr. Kamler said. “It’s … it’s almost inconceivable.”

It’s a good read, I recommend you check it out. Imagine the money I could save on winter clothing and heating the house if I could figure out how to do that….. You wouldn’t need clothes at all, actually. Well, maybe just for social reasons. He may be the Iceman, but I bet there’s no amount of willpower that can stop shrinkage.