“Cheap” beer prices going up

An article on Canoe.ca today warns me to enjoy that cheap beer because prices are going up soon.  I have only one answer to that:  HUH?  If the prices I’m paying now are cheap prices, it looks like I will just cut beer right out altogether.  I like beer.  I love beer.  But today’s beer prices are not cheap, not even close. (cue the old geezer voice)  I remember when you could buy a case of beer for, uh, well a lot less than you can today.  It really is a lot more expensive these days, I don’t understand why. 

Now keen readers of this blog will already know that beer prices are going to go up because I told you that already this month.  Or rather, a scientist from New Zealand told us that.

You may start to think that all I think about is beer, but that’s not true I was also thinking about beer and wine at the same time a little while ago.  In any case (that’s a beer pun), summer is just around the corner, and since those climate folks are predicting a warm one, I suggest we all stock up for the warm weather.  Ah beer, how can I stay mad at you?

2 thoughts on ““Cheap” beer prices going up

  1. I have one thing to say….. Costco in Gatineau. $20 for a case of Blue, or Coors Light. CHEAP beer.

  2. The internet is a wonderful thing. Jay, thank you for the tip on cheap beer. What else should I ask for that the internet will provide?

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