Acknowledging Addiction

This morning I stopped at Starbucks on my way to work, as I do every morning without fail.  I gave my order to the cashier and she repeated it to the barista (a nice word for coffee schlepper) who looked at me, looked around helplessly and said, “But where’s his cup?”

You see, I normally bring my own cup, which is rather identifiable, but had forgotten it on my desk the day before.  Also, clearly I have been spending way way too much money at Starbucks if this kind of thing happens.  So, on one hand I am doing my best to save the environment, but on the other hand I am clearly powerless when it comes to deliciously wonderful coffee, and this habit is sucking $5.37 out of my pocket every day, not to mention the caffeine I’m consuming.

Funny how things change.  Remember when I was off caffeine altogether?  Remember when we discussed the merits of coffee: Timmies vs Good Coffee anywhere else?  (Special bonus is this comment from Ali, which I had forgotten about and which still makes me laugh)

My name is Courtney, and I like coffee.

3 thoughts on “Acknowledging Addiction

  1. Okay, I have a confession to make.

    I am not a coffee drinker, but I do enjoy an Iced Capistrano from Tommy Norton’s every once in a while.

    However, since I got my car, I have had a need to go through the drive-thru on my way to work and get a tea. I don’t know what it is about the work commute (all six minutes of it) that makes me feel I must join the drive-thru ranks. Weird.

  2. So, I am not a coffee drinker, but I do enjoy an Iced Capistrano from Tommy Norton’s every so often.

    However, since I got my car, I often feel the need to go through the drive-thru for a tea in the morning. I don’t know what it is about the six minute work commute that compels me to do it. Weird.

  3. Duh.

    There is your deep thought for the day.

    Obviously we are experiencing some technical difficulties here. I apologize for the repetition. The first post didn’t work, or so it seemed, hence the second post.

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