Nikki Goes Off Her Medication

As anyone that knows Nikki well knows, she likes to laugh.  She is a good laugher.  It’s one of her most attractive qualities, really.

She does however have a slight tendency to get rather stuck sometimes.  Like in a loop.  An endless one.  There’s nothing you can do until she passes out, really.  If you haven’t been there when she has one of her turns, I took the liberty of filming a recent episode. 



We do have a doctor’s appointment later this week to see what he can do about her medications, time will tell how it all goes.

5 thoughts on “Nikki Goes Off Her Medication

  1. Love this, and agree with the other comments for sure!! I do have a question about the tagging of it……”ear hair”????? Last I saw, no one in the family, with the exception of the four legged ones, had/has an over abundance of it…..I do worry about you at times my son…..

  2. Pingback: You can “Dresser” up, but you can’t take her out | Happy Vallentynes Blog

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