There’s busy, and then there’s Walmart Meth busy

Nikki and I continually talk about being busy;  “Oh man, that was a busy weekend”, or “Jeez it’s a busy few days”, but I have to admit I have never been quite as busy as this lady:

While shopping at Wal-Mart she decided to accidentally save some cosmetics for later in her purse.  Needless to say she ended up having an altercation with the store security folks.  This by itself is lamentable, but apparently the real problem arose when the security folks discovered that she had a 20oz pop bottle of meth “cooking” in her purse.  Wal-Mart security apparently had no sense of humour at all about the pace of today’s hectic lifestyles, and decided to evacuate the store given the propensity of meth to do things like “poison everyone nearby” and “explode”.

Clearly she was just multi-tasking, I mean this kind of thing isn’t something you can just leave lying around the house when you leave to go lift some eye shadow from the closest ‘Mart.  I salute you, as-yet-unnamed-defendant and your attempt to really make the most of your time here on Earth.

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