Restaurant Review makes me want to meet the author

I should preface this by saying that this appears to be a review of a restaurant that bears “the name of someone who is on TV”, which as anyone that knows us Television-blind Vallentynes, results in a bemused shrug from me.  But forget about that for a moment, since you will no doubt know who Guy Fieri is already.  It seems he opened a new restaurant in Times Square recently and this gentleman went to sample the fare and write a review for the New York Times.  What he ended up doing was an exercise in awesomeness, a shining example of snark, sarcasm, and just plain old nasty.
It’s fantastic, I highly recommend you go and read this, it starts with a bang and just keeps coming.  Some of my favourites:

Hey, did you try that blue drink, the one that glows like nuclear waste? The watermelon margarita? Any idea why it tastes like some combination of radiator fluid and formaldehyde?

Somewhere within the yawning, three-level interior of Guy’s American Kitchen & Bar, is there a long refrigerated tunnel that servers have to pass through to make sure that the French fries, already limp and oil-sogged, are also served cold?


SERVICE The well-meaning staff seems to realize that this is not a real restaurant.


Needless to say, it’s a masterpiece of a review.  The restaurant doesn’t sound so hot though.

NY Times Review of Guy’s American Kitchen and Bar