Ok, one more running post

I said I wasn’t going to post about running any more, but maybe just one more.

At least two things have occurred to me recently while running:  you don’t generally want to use the earbuds you wear running in non-running situations, and carrying your iPhone in your sweaty hand while running is awkward, dangerous and often disgusting.

First off, running with earbuds in is a necessity.  The problem is that when I run, my ears head everything sweats and so the earbuds are in contact with said sweat.  Then, once I am all showered and ready for work, the thought of putting those earbuds into my clean ears gives me the willies.  I have a mental image of my smelly ears emitting twin visible vapour trails of BO behind me as I walk around at work.  So, I will therefore be buying a set of cheap earbuds for exclusive use while running.  Problem solved.

Next is the necessity of carrying the iPhone while running.  I never purchased a belt clip, case or anything I can use to fasten the iPhone to my person, so if I want to track my runs I need to carry the iPhone in my hand as I run.  This becomes an issue since as you can imagine my hand gets a tad sweaty and my grip on the phone becomes a little precarious.  An armband is the ticket, for sure.  This decision is a bit harder, since there are a ton of options out there.  Haven’t decided yet, but I think I like this one.

That’s it, no more running posts.

Last Run Update

I think I will stop posting these here, mostly because if I decide to stop now, you won’t know if I wimped out and stopped running altogether.  Although, you might be thinking that already, and assume I’m just saying this to fake you out.

Either way, it’s for the best.

Tonight’s Run

Not the best running schedule just yet, this is only my second run in eight days, but I did run a bit farther tonight.

Now if I could just run again within the week, we might see some improvement….