It’s the principle, not the Principal of the matter

I’m not a fan of guns, and would think that most reasonable people would agree that guns in schools are a bad idea (Remember when the pro-gun boys showed up on the blog to have a say and hilarity ensued?  Good times.).

It seems that some school boards have a no toy gun policy to support the no real gun thing, which probably makes sense to most folks too.  Some toy guns look pretty real, and that could result in mistakes and tragedy.

Still, sometimes you just have to wonder what some folks are thinking:  a fourth-grader got hauled into the principal’s office in New York for playing with his LEGO in the school cafeteria (the horror…), one piece of which was a 2 inch toy gun.  The principal (decided her life was in danger and) ended up threatening the boy with suspension.  Here’s a chilling picture of the murderous weapon with which she was threatened.

Um ya.

This is exactly what the folks who wrote the policy were thinking, I’m sure.  You know what else?  I’m thinking they should remove all of the capital “L” magnets from the kindergarten rooms because if those suckers ever fall over just so, my god!  It’s a perfect replica of a Luger, and it’s pointed right at Timmy!  Heaven help the poor kid that tries to pick it up, he will probably be swarmed by three cops.

Sigh.  Doesn’t this sound a little nuts?  I mean, a LEGO gun?  Even the kid’s police officer father thinks they went a tad far beyond reason.  The mom is thinking of suing, and I say go for it.

Here’s the whole story.