Nice Weather We’re Having

I’m still here.

I was just enjoying the weather here in Canada. Nice and unpredictable. I had shorts and a T-Shirt, and jeans and a sweater on within two hours of each other on the weekend. Just lovely.

Anyway, it could be worse. I noticed the weather in space today is, well, not so nice. It’s more of a “grab a ceramic heat shield and titanium athletic support” kind of day, rather than a “shorts and t-shirt” kind of day. Those crazy scientists (I mentioned before how they love to rate things that probably need no rating) have noticed that there is an electromagnetic storm raging in the cosmos today that rates a “9” on the 9 level scale they dreamed up to measure these storms. That’s “9 Scary Aliens” to you and me, or living in a microwave.

Anyway, why we need to know what the weather is like in space is sort of beyond me. I mean unless you happen to own a satellite or live in your moon-based evil lair, it’s sort of a non-event here, isn’t it?

Link for the really curious.