Air Guitar Nation

This blog is fast becoming the web’s #1 source of Air Guitar information.  I should start a new blog specifically for that purpose, even.  I could call it Air Guitards Unite!  Something to ponder for later….

Anyway, I digress.  Faithful reader Wilson points out a new film opening up soon: Air Guitar Nation  Go ahead and squander a minute with a gander (why the hell do those two words not rhyme?) at the website and shake your head at the wonderful weirdness.  The towering egos, the blazing moves, the costumes, the extraordinary lack of coolness, and the cold distant fading glimmer of a chance that any of these guys will ever get laid, this movie’s got it all.  In all seriousness, it’s actually got the perfect amount of silly that probably makes it a great movie to watch and laugh at.

Previous Air Guitar posts here.