Exercise is a good thing, even if it’s only for kicking young people’s butts.

If you ever needed an excuse to stay in shape as you get older, how’s this one for you?

A neighbourly disagreement over loud music and noise ended rather badly for a complete moron who deserved exactly what he got.  A 24 year old drunken arsehole tried to break into the home of a 72 year old man and his wife and threatened them with a knife, but ended up getting the crap kicked out of him by the homeowner who just happened to be a former boxing champion in his youth.  The pictures of this moron are so fitting, it’s got to be karma.  It couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy, it seems. The ex-boxer apparently landed just two punches, but from the pictures it looks more like the guy was in a car accident.  Definitely not someone to be messed with.  Saw the link on Boing Boing first.

We have covered kick-ass elderly folks before, and to be honest it makes me very happy to think that I might be strong and able for a while to come.  It’s going to be a necessity so I can try to keep three children in line, right?  Not to mention two huge dogs.

Finally, from the blog of one of the creators of P90x (again, which I have talked about before and am still using) a wonderful soundbite from that paragon of rational thought, as well as physical fitness, Rush Limbaugh.  Click through to hear this idiot say with a straight face that folks who exercise are what’s putting a strain on the American health care system.  Good lord, but this guy is a jerkoff.