Thoughts on exercise this morning

Some random thoughts that occur to me this morning after Nikki and I decided to suddenly start exercising this weekend after a rather long break from anything resembling exercise.

  • After apparently laying about like a gelatinous slug for the past millennia, muscles actually atrophy to the point where my body actually has to re-evolve the ability to have muscles.  It doesn’t like that, forced evolution of muscle in the span of a few hours hurts like a mother.  My splendidly-muscled laptop typing fingers excepted, of course.  My glide-pad finger has a six-pack.
  • I no longer have legs, I have pain-sticks upon which I totter about like a drunken circus clown on stilts, unfortunately afflicted with Tourette’s.
  • Sneezing has turned into an explosive shout-bark, especially hilarious in the middle of allergy season.
  • My recent habit of camping in a Starbucks to work when I am not at a client’s site is now some form of purgatory since sitting on a wooden chair on my recently punished glutes is agony.
  • The older I get, the more intense this period of “discomfort” is after re-starting exercise.  I thought we were pretty sensible about what exercise we did, taking it relatively easy.  It now seems likely that while I was asleep on the weekend I was drugged and beaten with sticks by a whole rugby team as I lay in bed.  There is no other explanation that makes sense.

The sad thing is the horrible horrible realization that I have to actually exercise again soon, or this will all be for nothing.

Exercise does not equal weight loss, but it does help keep it off

Some pretty neat articles here on the New York Times website about exercise and weight loss.  Many people I know find that exercise makes them so hungry they eat more afterwards, ruining the calorie deficit required to actually lose weight.  It seems that this holds up in scientific studies, primarily for women.  Women seem to get especially hosed because the mechanism that wants to maintain the body’s weight works especially well for them, while for men it seems to not be as effective.  The guess is that women naturally retain more calories for reproduction.  Either way, women are getting the crappy end of this stick, as far as weight loss goes.

The other neat part is there is some evidence that the amount of exercise required to actually do some good might be a lot less than originally thought.  In one study they just prevented people from sitting down at all during the day and saw that while hundreds of extra calories were burned, there was no associated appetite increase.  Kinda neat stuff.

Go and check it out.

A really cool read, saw it on Metafilter.

Exercise is a good thing, even if it’s only for kicking young people’s butts.

If you ever needed an excuse to stay in shape as you get older, how’s this one for you?

A neighbourly disagreement over loud music and noise ended rather badly for a complete moron who deserved exactly what he got.  A 24 year old drunken arsehole tried to break into the home of a 72 year old man and his wife and threatened them with a knife, but ended up getting the crap kicked out of him by the homeowner who just happened to be a former boxing champion in his youth.  The pictures of this moron are so fitting, it’s got to be karma.  It couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy, it seems. The ex-boxer apparently landed just two punches, but from the pictures it looks more like the guy was in a car accident.  Definitely not someone to be messed with.  Saw the link on Boing Boing first.

We have covered kick-ass elderly folks before, and to be honest it makes me very happy to think that I might be strong and able for a while to come.  It’s going to be a necessity so I can try to keep three children in line, right?  Not to mention two huge dogs.

Finally, from the blog of one of the creators of P90x (again, which I have talked about before and am still using) a wonderful soundbite from that paragon of rational thought, as well as physical fitness, Rush Limbaugh.  Click through to hear this idiot say with a straight face that folks who exercise are what’s putting a strain on the American health care system.  Good lord, but this guy is a jerkoff.