Why is The Onion so

Why is The Onion so darn good? I mean really. What do these people do but sit around all day and think of the funniest damn things.

How do they make any money? I mean the site has advertising, but not that much. It’s a mystery.

Check it out, really. The Onion

I stole this little gem from the archives:
Glandular Problem Causes Man To Eat Fifth Helping
FREDERICKSBURG, MD-Born with a rare, debilitating glandular disorder, 450-pound Fredericksburg resident Gordon Hotchkiss, 41, helped himself to a fifth serving of mashed potatoes Sunday. “Why, oh, why, was I chosen by God to suffer from this horrible blaaarghmummm?” moaned the stricken Hotchkiss, helplessly shoveling fistfuls of buttery mashed potatoes into his mouth. “What have I done to deserve this awful glomphummm?” Hotchkiss’ condition, known within medical circles as “bigfatfuckitis,” also prevents him from using the stairs instead of the elevator to get to his second-floor apartment.

Like, that is so gold. My apologies for the profanity.

Also, on the absolutely bizarre front, Neighbour Jim and Roomate Darcy shoveled off the rink after Saturday’s 40cm of snow fell. By hand. What the hell were they thinking? I mean really. It’s the end of February, how many skating days are we going to have left? Sheesh.

Now I have to get off my butt and get out there and help. I’m gonna kill those guys.

Well, gotta run.