My my, time flies when

My my, time flies when you’re nuts.

What’s new folks? Well I’ll tell you what’s new.

We put a major bee on this month to get the basement drywalled. I have Robbie and Kyle to thank for that, they did the heavy lifting for scrawny old me to run the drill. Much appreciated, and you guys know you banked a big favour there. As a matter of fact the mud/tape guy just started working in the basement today to finish it all off this week, with luck. Very exciting. Well, it is for me.

Also, Nikki and I have been alternating doing the painting in Jordy’s new room. We did 2 coats of blue from floor to ceiling, measured and marked off the stripes, and put three coats of yellow on those. This week will be applying a glaze to all of this that will hopefully finish the painting of the walls once and for all. Then it’s put up the chair rail and paint the trim. That’s a lot of painting in one room, folks.

Also, I have cleaned out the garage (that was a while coming), and put up the Christmas lights. Soon it will be decorate the inside of the house for Christmas. It’s all about the chores lately.

But that’s not what I came to tell you today. I had the pleasure of seeing John Prine at the NAC on Thursday (the 20th). It was a real treat, let me tell you. There’s a guy who can hold my attention forever. He’s a great combination of humour and good songwriting. I urge you to give him a listen yourself. His website and record company is Or you can email him yourself at

If it wasn’t too late to get my letter to Santa, I might ask for “The Full Johnny“.

Later kids.