Hi kids. The blog website

Hi kids.

The blog website has been down for the last few days, chalk it up to me just being too lazy to fix it. Or too busy. Yeah, busy. Like maybe busy with the birth of the baby.

Oh, yeah, there’s something blog-worthy 🙂

Ladies and gents, Cael Evan Vallentyne was born on Wednesday January 7th, at around 7:30pm. Weighing in at a strapping 9lbs, 5oz he broke Quinn’s record by 3oz. Needless to say Mom is happy to see the end of being pregnant and to be able to hold the little guy in her arms instead of in her belly. Btw, lots of people asked me what Cael means, I had to look it up again, but it’s Gaelic meaning “victorious people”.

Mom and baby come home this afternoon so the rest of clan Vallentyne is very excited. It will be good to get things back to normal and have some rest and relaxation. (yeah right)

Not surprisingly the other two kids are very excited to see the newest member arrive; Jordy cried tears of joy, and Quinn summed it up with a quiet, knowing nod and a solemn “Doo-wah”. Doo-wah indeed.

That should do it for today, stay tuned for pictures to follow.

Technical Note: the Blog will now be found at www.vallentyne.com/blog and I will try to keep some family pictures up to date on the familiar www.vallentyne.com/family directory.

that’s it