So, what’s with the new

So, what’s with the new interface on the blog? Quite the new look they are sporting. Maybe Mundane Ramblings should update its look also. Ah, who are we kidding? No one has time for that, and would our one reader really notice anyway?

Well, May 7th marks the 4 month birthday of a certain Mr. Cael Vallentyne. Aren’t babies so cute and tiny at this age? So wee and delicate. Poor wee chap had to have his needle today. Ah, poor wee riggin’. It’s never a fun experience usually…

UNLESS YOU ARE CAEL AND DON’T EVEN NOTICE WHEN YOUR PORK CHOP OF A THIGH IS PRICKED WITH A NEEDLE. If you are Cael you just look up at mom and laugh. (In your best fat Bastard voice) “You call THAT a needle! I laugh at you Doctor. Surely you can do better than that!”

The doctor told us today that he is concerned at Cael’s “accelerated weight gain”. Apparently 21+ pounds is unusual in 4 month olds. In the words of our doctor, “If Court were SHAQUILLE O’NEAL and you were a 6 foot 260lb Amazon woman, I wouldn’t be worried. But looking at the two of you, I can’t imagine where this is coming from.” So, back to the pediatrician we go, sooner than later and he will most likely tell us we’re all fine again. This is one for the baby books I guess.

More later!