Yeah, I’m in pretty good

Yeah, I’m in pretty good shape. I like to work out. You know Arnold? We’re two peas in a pod. He’s to twisted steel muscles what I am to soggy kleenex.

Anyway, given my wiry athleticism, I was naturally attracted to this article. It’s about the sport of powerlifting, where guys (like me) try to lift more weight than the other guys. Apparently the holy grail for these guys is to be able to lift (bench press) 1000lbs. Holy crap, that’s half a ton, you say? Yeah, well, it’s nothing for us powerlifters. The big controversy is over the use of these shirts that help the guys lift the weight. They get a professor to have a looksee and he says that the shirts are basically all about well, “cheating”.

Huh, imagine that. The sport’s top guy won’t compete anywhere that forces him to take a drug test. Again, huh. The bench press record was more or less in the semi-normal 500-700 lbs range until 2002. It took 17 years for someone to break 800 lbs. Now everybody and their brother can do 800lbs. I did it myself accidentally the other day when I picked up Cael and Quinn at the same time. (obligatory Cael size joke). You don’t suppose the sudden increase has anything to do with better drugs and better shirts, do you?
