Well dare I say, I

Well dare I say, I must be one of those naive parents that have no clue what is going on in the world around me. I have to say that I’m shocked AND disappointed in several things today. One, I’m disappointed that people are so up in arms over what certain accessories “represent” or “advertise” if you will. It used to be that tattoos and earrings in places other than your ears were symbols of rebellion, or individuality. Now a simple coloured jelly bracelet on a child as young as a third grader can mean they are advertising their willingness for sex or sexual acts. I mean, c’mon people. I wore them in the 80’s and I certainly was not advertising that sort of thing then. Some of you are sporting ones that Jordy gave you out of love. I’m sure you’ll be thrilled to know what they stand for.

I was told these bracelets meant certain things, but I honestly did not think that this was something that circulated the elementary schools. Perhaps I have too much faith in the world today, or others not nearly enough. Jordynn went to school today wearing a ton of these things that she proudly bought at Dollarama with her own money. She was told to not wear them to school ever again by students as well as several teachers. In addition to this, the principal has cut them off students’ wrists in the past and threw them away.

Jordy is now embarrassed and upset that she wasted her money on these things and can not wear them. All I can do is sit here with my mouth hanging open. Here’s the list on what these things mean. Hopefully this rant will prove to be helpful for someone else in some way. Suddenly I feel so old and out of touch.

Sex Bracelets are back – and kids are using them with out their parents knowing what they are doing.

Jelly bracelet fashion accessories have been around since the 80’s. But instead of a fashion statement, they may be making a statement about your kid’s sex life.

These bendable pieces of colored rubber have become a sexual code to many teens.

Here’s a common breakdown:
Yellow: hugging
Purple: kissing
Red: lap dance
Blue: oral sex
Black: intercourse

In a game called snap, if a boy breaks a jelly bracelet off a girl’s wrist, he gets a sexual coupon for that act.

It’s become such a problem in some middle schools in Florida that districts started banning the bracelets.

If your daughter is wearing one of these bracelets, it may be cause for concern.