I’m a big fan of

I’m a big fan of call centres and the excellent customer service I usually get through them. Ahem. I also love big cable networks (*cough-Rogers-cough-bastards-cough*) because I really like the way I pay them a lot of money, more every month it seems for the same jerky, pixellated, “reality” cookie cutter crap. Not that I’m bitter though.

SO it is with great relish I bring you this article from Reuters. It tells how a hacker or employee got in and changed the hold message. You know the one that normally says “Your business is valuable to us” while somebody destroys “Heart of Gold” on the harp, or the clarinet? They apparently changed it to something that isn’t exactly what the company would say to customers, or out loud anyway. It had a lot of curse words in it. Here’s a cleaned-up quote from Reuters:

“You are through to NTL customer services. We don’t give a (expletive) about you. We are never here. We just (expletive) you about, basically, and we are not going to handle any of your complaints. Just (expletive) off and leave us alone.”

Ahh funny stuff. And everybody secretly feels this is how you get treated at some places anyway, right?