So many articles, so little

So many articles, so little time.

Here’s a link about the dumbest robber in the history of dumb. First mistake, using your wife’s car (she was driving) with the plates still on. Second mistake, threatening people with the hammer(!) you are holding and telling them it is actually a shotgun. And finally, dropping your cameraphone on the way out with pictures of you and your wife still on it. Ahh, yes. Hopefully they haven’t reproduced yet.

Then here’s an article about a poll by our local tech-savvy pollsters Ipsos-Reid. Apparently, and hold onto your hats for this one, kids, apparently teenagers are using the Internet to socialize and connect with friends. Sweet Gentle Jesus, I’m completely underwhelmed by that one. Yep, the poll goes on to say that “73 per cent of respondents sent and received e-mail while 70 per cent used instant messaging at least a few times per week”. Wow. In other news, water is wet and there’s a 100% chance of darkness tonight.

And finally, here’s a link to a wonderful product, The Camper’s Dream ice cream maker. It by itself is not that interesting, it’s a human-powered ice cream maker. It’s a ball that you put the ingredients into and roll it around for a while until you have ice cream. The write up on it is hilarious though.

Basically, you roll the ball (which looks suspiciously like a repurposed hamster ball) around for 20 minutes, and you have a pint of ice cream. As far as non-electrical ice cream makers go, this would appear to represent minimum effort for maximum pleasure, a virtue anyone can appreciate. (Flavors include strawberry hamster and vanilla hamster).

I split a gut on that one.