Well, back to the Mundane

Well, back to the Mundane part of the ramble for a moment. Christmas was great, we had the house full and it was really nice to just be relaxed. I did still do some wrapping at the last minute (with 24 hours to spare, which is a huge improvement from the usual 6 or 8 hours I usually end up with), but once that was done things were very relaxed. We went to the hockey mass at the Corel Centre on Christmas Eve, which you shouldn’t do with me unless you are prepared to hear some irreverent jokes about the Church and hockey (come on, they write themselves, and with the NHL strike every Canadian has a little hockey angst built-up, no matter how small).

Anyway, then it was lay around the house, play with the kids and the toys and generally have a lot of relaxed fun for a couple of days. Very nice indeed, and it sure made me appreciate the family I have around me a lot. I will get some pictures up on Flickr soon…

Good Neighbour Jim has been busy at the rink already this year, which is a big head start on where we usually get going, and we were actually able to skate on it yesterday, although I think GNJ was out on the weekend. It should be in absolutely tip-top shape for the skating party. I think even GNJ’s New Year’s party will turn into a skating party, which is unheard of normally. It’s all his doing, I have only been out to flood twice so far, so no claims to his credit from me.

Some nonsense posts to follow.