There’s a 2000 ton pile

There’s a 2000 ton pile of crap in Nebraska, and it’s decomposing. Three months ago it spontaneously combusted and it’s been burning ever since. Man, there’s so many frigging jokes here I’m paralyzed. Too many jokes. Too many jokes.

Here’s the link: Big old pile of burning crap

Read it and just picture it: 100 feet long, 30 feet high and 50 feet wide, it’s crap, and it’s on fire. They don’t want to put water on it because of the potential for poluting the local water supply. Um, guys? You think that crap doesn’t already wash into the water supply? Maybe they have it on a placemat or a doily or something.

It’s not that uncommon, apparently. Here’s a link to a more serious article about it on CNN. The pile of crap is on a feedlot that fattens cows up before the slaughterhouse. The statistics of this ranch are staggering:

an average of 12,000 animals on hand, each eating about 25 pounds of feed daily, resulting in as much as nine pounds of manure a day per animal — some 54 tons every 24 hours

Wow. That’s quite the BS factory. It must rival the government in production. And it’s majestic too, rolling hills of poop, steaming and smouldering in the morning sun. It brings a tear to my eye. That could just be the smoke though.