So, ok. It’s 8:45AM as

So, ok. It’s 8:45AM as I make this post, and so far this morning 2 of 3 children have been fed without complaint, 1 with complaint. One child is on the bus as we speak, and the other two are playing. I have the kitchen cleaned and recovered from breakfast and am looking forward to my morning coffee over a relaxing episode of Thomas the Tank Engine, with a babe in my arms having his second breakfast. There, nothing like routine. Then I happen to notice a big stain on the rug. Ok, a minor upset in the routine, no biggie. Let’s investigate. Huh, seeing as the damn dog has had the trots all day yesterday, one could only surmise that this is the result of “will nots” stuck in his tail feathers. Fine, I clean that up and then look at the behind of the dog. HOLY FRIG! Now, there’s a mess and a half. I call Court to tell him I don’t have time to fix this properly and I’m taking the scissors to him. There is no arguement from Court, as he just last night, had to take the dog to the Dog Wash for the same problem. Then I start to feel sorry for Harv and I come up with what I think is a brilliant plan. If you find the right solution you only have to clean that sucker once. So before you all go throwing stones at what he looks like, just remember… He has his tail feathers in tact and your dogs can’t poke fun at him now when they visit.
FEBRUARY 2005 028