Ah, food, it seems like

Ah, food, it seems like an endless source of material for the blog. Today’s gag-inducing link is especially bad, and I can only imagine the flurry of PR that will be accompanying this article.

For those of you with no time or inclination to actually click the link, here’s the synopsis: A woman eating chili at Wendy’s bit into part of a severed finger. It was a fingertip, to be exact. They closed the restaurant and examined all of the staff’s digits to find the culprit, to no avail. They will be conducting an investigation to find out where the basic materials for the chili came from since they “assume the finger likely entered the food chain as a result of the manufacturing process”. Sound reasoning. I’m not sure if this qualifies as a “food chain”, but still.

Can’t wait to see who they end up fingering for the problem. I’m sure it will take some careful poking around, and some head scratching. As long as nobody stands around picking their nose, they should be able to point the investigation to the culprit.

Sorry about that, but if you don’t get them all out they bug you later.