Cleaning out the post folder…

Well, given that I had some pithy words written for some of these links and lost them, I find I have no heart left in remembering what I wrote, so here is a feeble attempt to get these things out of the “Post to the Blog” folder:

Some weird products I found interesting:
The Whovel, a sort of, well, wheeled shovel. Duh. Still it’s a neat idea if it works.
– I’m not sure what the point of these things could be, but they are the funkiest looking shoes I’ve ever seen. They have a mechanical piston built into the heel as a shock absorber.
The Karaoke Muzzle is something I think we can all appreciate, especially those of us (myself included) that think they can sing after a drink or two.
– Only available in Japan, but you can pay to have a cartoon “almost live” re-enactment of the baseball game you aren’t able to attend in person. Weird.
And finally, the kidnappers’ delight, the GPS-enabled school uniform. It’s also only available in Japan, sadly. Does anybody really think this is a good idea? I mean, come on.
“Sir, I have some bad news. Johnny didn’t show up for class, so we turned on his jacket transponder, and I’m sorry to be the one to tell you this, but he’s dead and stuffed into a locker we don’t have the combination to. Well, it’s either that or he took off his jacket, one or the other.”
Well, there’s no downside to that plan, nossir.

One thought on “Cleaning out the post folder…

  1. Did anyone notice that the guy pushing the “Whovel” had his face blurred out? The whole Whovel thing is starting to look a bit shady to me now suddenly.

    For only $100.00 you too can be humilated when purchasing a pair of those shoes, as you will have to give your weight range so the shoe can meet your needs. “Oh, I’ll be needing the ‘Category 4, 200lbs+’ please.”

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