A flood of news today

I can’t hardly keep up with it all, so I’m just going to throw links up here in a pathetic attempt to fill some space today.

First off we have a zoo in Oklahoma that will be building a creationism exhibit. No comment, as a heathen I might be smite-ed.

Next, a court in Italy rules that gay people are allowed to have drivers licences, noting that being gay is merely “a personality disturbance” and shouldn’t affect a person’s ability to drive. Again, no comment, smote-ing is still a possibility.

A real shocker here, the White House official who is re-writing greenhouse gas reports once worked for the American Petroleum Institute “watered down the impact of global warming” in environmental reports. Apparently after the reports were reviewed and authorized by the government scientists he thought he would be a good idea to edit them again to sort of, you know, take the “gloomy truth” out of them. I can hear Wilson quivering with rage already.