Assorted stupid time wasters

Alrighty then.

Now I bring you my regularly scheduled ripoffs of other funnier blogs (which sounds like something I don’t do normally, but you all know that to be a lie also). It’s either pretend you haven’t seen this already, or have nothing to read here, take yer pick.

Falling mannequin – at first this seems to be not safe for work, but really there’s nothing wrong with it. It becomes strangely hypnotic after a few seconds. If the mannequin gets stuck you can drag it to resume the never-ending plummet.
Jimmy Kimmel’s Unnecessary Censorship – very funny and bleeptastic
– quite interestingly, apparently the commonly accepted fact that you can’t fold something more than 8 times has been disproved, and in fact this brainiac folded a piece of paper 12 times. Try it for yourself, this is pretty good work.
– if this is viral marketing of some sort, I have no idea. One thing I do know is, these guys were pharmaceutically assisted during the making of this. There are running shoes involved. Turn down your sound. Weird.
really big fish, feeds entire village on bottom-feeder steaks for a month