Nifty Octopus video

I’m not sure what side these octopus guys are working on, but I must say that the video is worth installing that evil evil RealPlayer for. Whatever you do, don’t let RealPlayer steal all of your file associations. I really hate those guys.

But I digress.

The octopus in this video isn’t nearly as lovable as the last one I mentioned, in fact he’s big and rather bloodthirsty. However, it seems that he is on our side this time, since he takes on a shark. It’s incredible.

It’s kind of weird to notice that I have mentioned octopi two different times already. You may read more into that than I actually am prepared to admit. I mean just because there are two separate octopus stories here doesn’t mean that I think they are our evil tentacled masters lying in the deep. Not at all. And the resemblance to the Flying Spaghetti Monster is purely coincidental. I don’t actually think that octopi are the FSM equivalent of devils or anything. Not at all. That’s purely a hypothesis, really.
