Big Huggy is watching…

Are we getting just a little crazy with the surveillance of ourselves? I mean just a little? Quite possibly, but I can’t talk about it here.

Here’s a gadget that may actually have a valid purpose: The Respisense breathing monitor. Basically what you do is put this thing into your infant’s crib and it will monitor the baby’s breathing (or lack of it) and sound an alarm if necessary. It will also vibrate like a cell phone in an effort to stir the baby into breathing again. Pretty neat idea, especially how the SIDS thing seems very common.

I found the link on: the always cool Gizmodo

One thought on “Big Huggy is watching…

  1. Neat, although I think I’ve got so tuned in to the baby’s breathing over the monitor that I’d notice a change myself. I always wake up before he makes his first cry for feeding, for instance.

    Thanks for keeping us informed, as well as entertained, though!

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