Sweet sweet lead, so metalicious

I’m not sure if this is for real, but these guys are taking it pretty seriously. Basically they claim that lots and lots of popular children’s lunchboxes contain large quantities of lead. Lead is bad for you because, it does, um, bad things to your tummy, or your brain, I can’t remember which. But it’s bad. The Vikings died at sea because they were using lead coolers, or so the story goes.

The lunchbox site even has pictures so you can measure your child’s scurvy risk. Batman, Superman, Spiderman, pretty much all of your grade-a lead-bearing superheroes are to blame here. Sorry I’m late on the back to school vibe here, but what’s another two months of ingesting sweet lead? In the long run, it probably won’t amount to much cerebral damage. I mean, in comparison to the television exposure, that is.