
My body hurts.

Cael’s party is tonight.

Shopping left to do: check.

Cake to pick up? Yep.

Work? Nuts.

But knowing that this nutjob is getting a hard time because of his ridiculous comments makes me smile…

Pat Robertson tries to save Jesusland after Sharon jibe

I’m hoping that “Jesusland” is a satirical nickname and not the proposed name for the park. What’s next? Souvenir “crown of thorns” instead of Mickey Mouse ears? It’s hard to take seriously, isn’t it? I’m already way past the line I know, Nikki may have words with me, but will the “rides” include “Excellent Walk on Water” and the popular “Part the Red Sea” aquarium? (I know that was Moses, I just don’t have a lot of material handy here, I’m a heathen, ok?)

Oh man. I vented for a minute there, but I’m back now.

*** Update: It seems that Mr. Robertson (likely due to pressure from his lawyer and his financial advisors) is paddling for distance from this statement. It’s all well and good to be preachy, but when it hurts his financial statements, it’s probably better to swallow the pride.