Git Along: Video Round Up

I must say that my introduction to YouTube and Google Video have greatly improved the quality of my online life. Viewing grainy and pixellated video online is certainly the future, and I must tell you; it’s so bright, I gotta wear shades.

Ok, here is what’s cookin’ today.

These guys are just way, way too good. Martial art tumbling and aerial craziness that makes you wonder what you are doing just sitting there. Lots and lots more here. Wow.

Real life Simpsons intro. Too cool.

And another Ninja-related bit of humour, Nikki noticed that I seem to be particularly susceptible to Ninja humour, as noted here, and here. Why that is, I have no idea. It may have something to do with how ninjas are just so cool, or it might have something to do with the fact that if I don’t find them funny, they may kill me. Or it might just be a personal character flaw…. nah.

Credit for these things goes to the usual sources: Metafilter, Boing Boing, et al.

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