Stoned Art Fans, Drool in Awe!

It couldn’t be a nicer fit with my last post which was about marijuana. If you remember Bob Ross, that guy with the big hair who had a show on Saturday mornings where he would just paint landscapes every week and speak in that soft hypnotic voice, then you will be (unsurprised and) happy to find out he has a web site. If you never had the pleasure to see his show, more’s the pity. It was on when I was a kid (it may still be on for all I know), and there was no better way to ride out the end of a sugar high (brought on by Froot Loops, or Count Chocula, or some such) after watching some G-Force and other epileptic-ally interesting cartoons. His special brand of quiet brush sounds, pastoral landscapes, afro, and sparse commentary was enough to slide you right into a coma, strangely compelling and soothing.

Anyway, my point here is those memories will resonate with the stoner video gamer bunch, since is announcing that a Bob Ross video game will be released for the new Nintendo Revolution platform. It’s a diabolical combination that will prove irresistible to stoned video game slackers, no doubt.

Again, Metafilter is the culprit behind this post (I have a little catching up to do from last week’s break).