Springtime Family Update

Well it has been a long time since I wrote anything directly related to the family, so here you go folks.

Jordy is getting some verrry nice grades on the reports cards recently, so that’s a good thing. She has discovered instant messaging very recently and so most of the spare moments are of course consumed by typing. That is something I never really thought would become so popular. She is talking to two or three or four people all at the same time about different things, and one of those is on video of course. Incredible. Anyway, she is awesome and is a huge help to Nikki and I with the boys. I think she takes pity on us when things get really crazy, but hey, I’ll take pity. Here she is listening to some Neil Young on her mp3 player. Seriously, she has taken a liking to Neil lately, which warms my heart to no end of course. Her latest favourite is Sugar Mountain…

Jordy somewhat amused

Quinn is of course ramping up to start school in September. Really I don’t think that Nik or I have any worries there, he’s going to be just fine. It’s the teachers that will be traumatized, likely. He is soulful and smart and as he reminds us himself, he is beautiful.

Quinn chillin'

As for Cael, well what to do about that boy…

Cael grinning

He is obviously a charmer when he wants to be, but boy, that temper is something right now. Oh well. His speech improves exponentially these days, which is fun. He is also starting pre-school in September, which means that Nikki will start to have a small amount of time to herself again, however small, each day.

As for Nikki, well she is busier than ever. She runs three businesses of her own, as well as keeping my own books in order. I have been bugging her to start a blog about one of them, maybe there will be some updates there soon if I can get through to her.

There you go folks.