Mentos and Diet Coke Extravaganza

Talk about your home science experiments people. I saw a post on Boing Boing about this “scientific” oddity, which led this intrepid reporter to do some serious (ok about 20 seconds on Google) digging into this incredible phenomenon. Here are the fruits of my labour:

Slacker kids perform the experiment, not bad.

The best display though, comes here. These guys show some originality, and a budget. Very nice.

I had no idea that this benign combination of junk foods could be used for such hilarity. I’m thinking that we need to try this at home….

2 thoughts on “Mentos and Diet Coke Extravaganza

  1. What happens if you drink a two litre bottle of diet Coke and then scarf a whole pack of Mentos?

    You should try that.

  2. That friggin’ rocks! I love that. Those two guys are going to be sooooo sticky. Man, that was great.

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