Greatest Rambles

Yes, it’s summer rerun time, folks.

Since I’m currently experiencing a creativity block, I thought I would do what TV does and just regurgitate some old stuff and call it new. Hey, it’s my party, I can do whatever I want, right?

Anyway, here’s some of the old stuff.

– Way back in October 2003 Nikki and I went to Quebec City and had a run in with some jerks at a bed and breakfast. Be sure to check out the next few posts too ’cause Nikki tries to get her revenge, but it doesn’t go as planned.

– The author tag got lost along the way, but Ali posted this pearl: She was born in 1915. That’s a lot of driving experience.

– Somewhat pithy words of wisdom on parenting a ~2yr old, Quinn at the time, but which still ring true to this day.

The Nissan Sentra Saga

– And finally or at least for tonight, The Feral Baby