Daily Dose of Risk Taking

Ok, two quick video links that really couldn’t be more about taking risks.  I’m a pasty geek and a parent so I won’t even run with scissors, and paper cuts are a prime reason why we should all use computers.  These guys really take that to the other end of the risk spectrum, way past “coolly ignoring the danger” and “scars make me look dangerous and experienced” through to “those limbs were just slowing me down anyway”.  First we have a very cool video about a freaky bike messenger race.  It’s enough to make your heart stop, with the traffic and pedestrians and busses and things.  Those guys are nuts.

Then a stunt where a guy dives out of a plane and jumps into another plane.  It’s as easy as pie, looking at this thing.  Just watch his mom’s face and you know he’s a really thoughtful son.

Now I need to go and take a hit off my inhaler….