First Post of the New Year

Happy New Year’s folks.

It’s back to work for me, so that usually means a bit more content up here to while away a minute or two during the day. Things have been nice and quiet since New Year’s, we are reveling in a nice lull in the usual craziness. Nikki and I had a great time on New Year’s Eve at Calabogie Peaks. We had lots of laughs with the New Year’s crew up there, I have pictures to prove it which we will see soon on Flickr. I highly recommend the place to anyone, it’s a top-notch place to stay.

Then on New Year’s Day Nikki and I and Jordy finally got to spend some time with a present Jordy got for Christmas: Dance Dance Revolution. This is at first glance the most childish game possible; it’s about dancing for pete’s sake. But I’m not ashamed to say that Nikki and I sent Jordy to go get ready for bed and went head to head on this thing, and my scientific conclusion is this: this is not a game about dancing, it’s no different that any other button masher. Nikki and I went toe to toe on this thing to see who was the best. It wasn’t as lopsided a match as it seemed at first; after all Nikki was a dance instructor for years, and I’m rhythmically inept. But, things turned around dramatically once I realized that it wasn’t a game about dancing, and started playing it as such. I started whupping her butt big time and she couldn’t understand why since I wasn’t really dancing at all, but rather I decided that the “pogo style” of DDR was the key to success. It’s hard to explain, you sort of have to see it to understand. Anyway, the end result is I beat her handily, but the unexpected problem the next day was that we were both crippled by calf and leg pain. I mean seriously. It’s really hard to walk. Anyway, so that’s how a video game caused Nikki and I to unexpectedly become so competitive that we danced through the pain…

3 thoughts on “First Post of the New Year

  1. You can imagine my horror as Court actually did beat me “handily” at this thing. I’ll tell all of you the same thing I told Jordy, “It is better to lose and look cool, than to look like Daddy does when he’s winning.”
    And that is the DDR WORD!

  2. Oh, you guys are hilarious! I can picture the scene: it starts out all fun with Jordy the young one showing her parents how to dance on the DDR. Then, as the competition begins, she gets summarily dismissed. The gloves come off, and the game begins. I can see this was no Fred and Ginger moment, but full-on head-to-head (twinkle-toes to twinkle-toes?) combat. That’s what Christmas is all about – togetherness!

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