Giant Humungous Rabbit

Judas Priest, but this is one frigging big bunny. Take a look at this sucker, this is just ridiculous. Apparently there has already been some investigative work to see if this is just a nice Photoshop job, and it seems to be on the level. It weighs 22lbs, and can mistake your arm for a carrot. Does anybody remember the Bugs Bunny episode where he was a prehistoric saber-toothed bunny? This kind of makes me think of that….

Anyway, I saw this on the very good Table of Malcontents. Photo credit from a link there. Previous bunny rant by me here.

2 thoughts on “Giant Humungous Rabbit

  1. Even I must admit that the bottom picture with the huge furred toes is cuter than cute. I would also imagine that the pellets left behind by a rabbit of those proportions would closely resemble chocolate TimBits…..

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