I’m gonna rent me some Willy

uh, Nelson, that is.
I caught this link (on Boing Boing I believe), it’s about the ridiculously rich paying top dollar for star recording artists to come and play at private parties. Nice work if you can get it, hundreds of thousands of dollars for less than an hour’s work…

I love the Sammy Hagar quote from the article:

“I mean, we used to make fun of Huey Lewis for doing all these corporate shows, but he would just shrug and say, ‘It’s a good life. Forty-five minutes for a couple hundred thousand’ … but I just hated the idea, doing some big arena show in some little corporate building or something. It felt cheesy to me. But then when Dylan did it, I started thinking, ‘Who am I to be so uppity about this?’ “

Too funny.