Think you’re a big drinker?

You aren’t. Not really. Not compared to this guy. You will realize it when you give this link a read. Oh man, this is crazy. It’s an article on the Modern Drunkard Magazine website (no, I’m not a regular reader, I saw this on Wired) about the legendary drinking exploits of Andre the Giant. Yes, the wrestler. He had a disease that caused him to grow far, far beyond the normal human size, obviously. At over 500 pounds, and looming about 7 feet tall, this man also had an inhuman tolerance for alcohol. Let me paraphrase the very entertaining article that you should definitely go and read in it’s entirety.

  • demolishing a dozen or so quarts of beer as a “warm-up” for a match
  • During trips Andre consumed beer at the incredible rate of a case every ninety minutes, with bottles of vodka or top-rate French wine thrown in for variety
  • once he drank “119 beers in six hours. That’s a beer every three minutes, non stop”

There are lots of really funny stories and anecdotes about this man’s life, including some funny stories about Hulk Hogan being his little buddy and scampering off to get beer to keep Andre happy so he wouldn’t hurt anybody.  His life of course was unusually short because of his disease, but not necessarily a sad one because of the lust for life this guy had.  Go and read this now.

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