Teacher fired for not turning students into mindless bible-bots

Oh man.

A teacher in Iowa was fired for telling his students to interpret the bible, not read it literally.  Whatever you do, fellow citizens of Iowa, don’t think for yourself, the Bible has already done all the thinking you are ever going to need.

“….he encouraged students to look beyond a literal interpretation of what is an “extremely meaningful story”, because he thought a literal reading would miss much of the poetic, metaphoric and symbolic content.”

“…he had a conversation with a student in which he referred to the story of Adam and Eve as a fairy tale.”

That’s probably the nail in the coffin right there.  What a sad state of affairs.

This is at the college level, and in a western civilisation course.   Of course the school can’t be blamed for putting the “mental” in fundamentalism, can it?  This kind of scary assed thinking isn’t limited to the US of course, but it’s hard to imagine it happening in Canada.  Isn’t it?